Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Observing, scientific investigation, and investing

The art of observation "is not passively watching but is an active mental process", and it is important to of distinguish it from what we call intuition. - Hat tip from the always interesting Brain Pickings website

Is observation a precursor to intuition. You cannot really have intuition if you are not a good observation. Intuition without observation is just random thoughts about connectiveness. 

So we need to observe everything closely? In fact, wisdom is being able to observe freshly but not look at everything. Selection is another skill of observing. This is what makes observing so intense and difficult. Most will throw-out information from not looking closely enough. Observing is about close seeing for differences and connections or patterns through intense training no different than other forms of exercise.

I need more seeing exercise no different than I need general exercise.  

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