"Disciplined Systematic Global Macro Views" focuses on current economic and finance issues, changes in market structure and the hedge fund industry as well as how to be a better decision-maker in the global macro investment space.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Competition across nations starts at home
30 years of momentum research and it is only getting stronger
Monday, December 9, 2024
The out of control momemtum factor - can it continue?
The exceptional factor for 2024 is momentum. There are many ways to calculate this factor, but a simple equity benchmark is from S&P which has a broad suite of equity factors. The momentum factor is up 48% through the first eleven months of the year and is more than 50% higher than any other year and any other factor. Strong momentum factor performance does not mean a reversal in the next year, but the size of this move is extraordinary. Of course, the driver a just a few stocks which means that is not likely that this can continue if these key stocks have any slowdown or reversal. The high momentum winners may see a reversal after the one-year mark, but the follow-through on these names which have lasted for more than a year suggests that it is not a given that there will be a January effect.
Realize that factor extremes can happen but does not suggest that there will be continuity. The rebalancing of names can support factor returns but looking at distribution properties leads to caution in holding the momentum factor.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Using generative AI for economic forecasting
Generative AI can be used to enhance economic forecasts through simple aggregation from corporate conference calls. We know that corporate CEO's provide economic outlooks on their earnings conference calls. It is part of the job, and it is critical that they get their forecasts right. The cost of being wrong high. Firm profits may suffer.
These conference calls provide a unique and special insight on the direction of the economy when all this information is aggregated. It is possible to aggregate all the verbal comments from transcripts using generative AI. All the information in conference call transcripts can be aggregated to form an index through highlighting key words and phrases like many other LLM models. An AI Economy Score can be employed to improve forecasts of GDP.
Researchers have found that there is positive incremental value from using the score from the conference call transcripts. See "Harnessing Generative AI for Economic Insights". This paper scratches the surface on using AI to help with macro forecasting, but it provides a good foundation of how new tools can support better global macro decisions.
Factor investing across different regimes
The sobering impact of consequences and facts
“Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.”
— Norman Cousins
“Consequences are unpitying.”
— George Eliot
"Facts don't care about your feelings"
- Ben Shapiro
“Should facts get in the way of truth?” Or, “Should truth get in the way of facts?”
- Brad Feld
The core of decision-making is accepting that there are consequences from actions. It is not a forecast or prediction that is the consequence. It is the action from the prediction that creates gains and losses. It is the action that has consequences.
Similarly, facts are not feelings. Facts may differ from the truth you may want. Of course, there are interpretation of facts that may differ, but if the consequence of your interpretation is wrong, it is not the fact that is wrong. It is the interpretation.
This may all seem obvious, yet it often requires reinforcement.