Sunday, March 2, 2025

Follow the liberal arts to be a good analyst

Debate logic with your acquaintances, And practice rhetoric in your common talk; Use music and poetry to quicken your mind; Turn to mathematics and metaphysics when you can stomach it. 

- TheTaming of the the Shrew 

To be a good analyst you need more than just math and quant skills. You also need more that finance knowledge. You need to have a complete set of skills that mixes logic, rhetoric, and math. All have to be practiced on a regular basis to be part of your everyday thinking. 

Recorde on needing numbers

 If number be lacking 

It maketh men dumb

So that to most questions 

They must answer mum 

The Ground of Arts - Robert Recorde

Recorde invented the equal sign in the mid-16th century and was an important English mathematician. I like this quote because ti presupposes that you need to have numbers to answer most questions. He would have made a good quant today. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The markets have gotten defensive

Volatility is on the rise with the VIX strongly moving above three-month averages except for the Fed announcement spike in December. This is the first full month of the new Trump presidency, and the uncertainty has resulted in risk-taking caution. 

The overall stock market was down 1.3% (SPX), but small caps declined by 5.7%. The Treasury bond index posted a gain of 1.54%. What was most important was the differential between low volatility (4.67%) and high beta stocks (-4.89%). Similarly, there was a strong difference between consumer stables (5.70%) and consumer discretionary (-9.37%). 

All this suggests that the markets are discounted uncertainty and likely slowdown in economic growth. There is less euphoria and more of a belief that we are in a position of market change.