Sunday, September 3, 2023

The worry between GDP and GDI - it could be more than statistical discrepancies

There are two ways to measure economic growth - GDP and GDI. GDP is the sum of all expenditures while GDI is the sum of all income. These two will not perfectly match given statistical discrepancies but they will be close, so there should be some concern if there is a growing difference as seen presently. The GDI is saying growth is slower and we should be more cautious about where the US economy is headed. It is hard to place finger on why there is a such a difference, but it is worth watching.

Many will argue that you should average the two to get a better measure of economic growth. Under that view we should have some concern about current growth.

GDP = C[onsumption] + I[nvestment] + G[overnment purchases] + X [exports] - M [imports]

GDI = W[ages] + R[ental income] + I[nterest income] + P[rofits]

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