Monday, January 27, 2025

Skidelsky provides a readable book on money and government

Money and Government: The Past and Futures of Economics by Robert Skidelsky is a very readable review and critique of monetary economics and Keynesian policy that can be enjoyed by a non-technical reader. Skidelsky is famous for his biography of Keynes, but this book shows his skill and confidence at explaining monetary economics and what have been the policy mistakes over the last 100 years. Even if you think you know macroeconomics well, there are plenty of useful insights that will improve your understanding in historical context. While Skidelsky is a Keynesian, his presentation is even-handed, and he describes both what Keynes got right as well as what could be improved. We need to place more emphasis on radical uncertainty and the difficulties with implementing policies.

Skidelsky shows that a gifted writer with a strong grasp of theory can provide insightful narrative on many of the vexing macro problems of the past and future. 

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