Saturday, December 28, 2024

Andy Grove's Principle of Didactic Management

Andy Grove's Principle of Didactic Management - "Ask one more question!" - from High Output Management 

I have to follow this advice for 2025 - ask one more question, be inquisitive and dig deep for added knowledge.

I was recommended this management book from a good friend, and I was very impressed by the quality of advice. There is no shortage of management books, but most keep their discussion at a high level and do not get specific with the advice. Andy Grove's book is as practical as you can get. For example, it does a good job of explaining how to run a meeting. The basic premise is that you should manage like it is a production process. It is a factory that can be broken into specific steps. I got more out of this book on how to be a better manager than almost any other in 2024. 

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