Monday, August 5, 2024

Strategy - there are trade-offs between agreement and certainty

The Stacey Matrix is and interesting way to compare certainty with agreement. This combination is often not considered in investment decisions, but a surprising amount of investment decisions are made as a group or committee decisions. There is a continuum on the certainty of the strategy or decision and there is a continuum associated with the level of agreement. When there is little certainty or agreement, there will be chaos. It does not happen often, yet we should expect that chaotic situations do exist. We move between simple, complicated, complex and finally chaotic. 

Realize that having agreement does not mean that you have the right strategy. I find the Stacey matrix had to fit with specific situations since certainty and agreement are hard to define, yet it is critical to think about the issues that will cause failure in strategic thinking and decisions.  

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