Monday, July 1, 2024

BULL! - A great financial history book


Maggie Mahar wrote a great book on financial history surrounding the bull market which lasted until the tech debacle of 2000, Bull! A History of the Boom 1982-1999. I have read this book before but wanted to take a second crack at it given all the extremes currently seen with the magnificent six and the extended rally this year. 

We are in a different environment, but the drivers of any bull, fear and greed still exist. There will be warning signs, but, of course, many will miss theme because there is a bias towards market optimism. Like past bull markets, there will be cautionary tales, but there will be a rumble of the herd as it continues to push prices higher to ensure they do not engage in the fear of missing out (FOMO). 

I am sure you can find Bull! at the local library.  It is not formal history, but in the hands of a skilled writer, you will not be disappointed. It is a quick read but good food for thought.

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